NAGAD helpline code | NAGAD customer care address
NAGAD is highly popular in Bangladesh for Mobile Banking. In most cases, people search for Nagad helpline code as well as Nagad customer care address. In this article, we will discount about these trending topics of NAGAD such NAGAD helpline code and Nagad customer care address.
NAGAD helpline code |
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NAGAD is the most trending mobile banking service in Bangladesh with Low Cost. As we know that NAGAD is a part of the Bangladesh Postal Department that's why it is being trusted by mass people. In the competition, NAGAD crossed the bKash in terms of popularity and value for money. NAGAD cash out charge is lower than bKash as well as NAGAD is also available in Bangladesh just like bKash. NAGAD provides lots of services for their customers such as Cash In, Add Money from Card to NAGAD, Send Money, Cash Out, Mobile Research, Profit, Bill Pay, Payment as well as NAGAD is also providing Islamic App.
NAGAD helpline code | Nagad office number
Whatever People sometimes find some difficulties in operating NAGAD. They need the NAGAD helpline code or the number for solving the issue. NAGAD Helpline code or contact address is given below:
Hotline: 16167 / 096 096 16167
Address: Delta Dahlia Tower (Level 13 and 14), 36 Kemal Ataturk Avenue, Banani, Dhaka -1213
NAGAD customer care address
There are so many people who seek for NAGAD customer care address. In that case, NAGAD recommends their users to contact Head Postal Office for any NAGAD Related Support. For Example, people of Barishal will go to Barishal Head Post Office for NAGAD Support. So Local Head Post Office will provide you all NAGAD Related Support.
NAGAD Live Chat
Live Chat is much more important for any transactional and customer support-related service. People badly need NAGAD Live Chat services like bKash and Other Banking System. Unfortunately, NAGAD does not have any Live Chat Option to communicate with their users on the website but we cap that NAGAD will develop the sector and enable a live chat option for their uses. In that case, we recommend you to contact nagad via Email
[email protected]) and Hotline Number (16167 / 096 096 16167) for any assistance.
NAGAD Account Open
There are some steps to open a NAGAD Account and it is not that much difficult. You can open it just following some steps given below.
Okay NAGAD Account can be open in 2 ways.
- Self Registration
- NAGAD Uddokta Point.
Self Registration:
In terms of self-registration, you need a Smart Phone such as Android or iOS then install NAGAD App into your smart device. Open the app and select your Self Registration. Gradually provide your documents such as NID, Photo, Signature, and Finally enjoy the NAGAD Account. You will get all steps sequentially in the App.
NAGAD Uddokta Point:
If you do not have Smart Phone then you need to register your nagad account from NAGAD Uddokta Point. In that case, search a NAGAD Uddokta Point in your local area and provide your phone number, NID Card Photocopy, Photo, and Signature. They will create a Nagad Account for you free. Then enjoy your Nagad Account
How to check NAGAD account balance without apps | NAGAD Account Check.
People frequently search on how to check nagad account balance without apps. NAGAD Account Check is the easiest task in Nagad Operating. After creating a NAGAD Account just dial 167# and select My Account then provide your PIN. You will get your balance notification. You can also check Nagad Account Details through your NAGAD App.
I hope, this article helps you a lot in providing the information on NAGAD. If you still feel anything to know then feel free to comment on the post. Immediately we will reply to you with authentic information. Thank You